Bob Jessop

BOB JESSOP eğitimini Exeter University ve University of Cambridge’te tamamladı. Halen Lancaster Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü’nde öğretim üyesidir. Özellikle devlet teorisi, korporatizm, düzenleme teorisi, Fordizm ve post-Fordizm, İngiliz politik iktisadı, sosyal teori ve refah devleti üzerine çalışmaktadır. Yayımlanmış eserlerinden bazıları şunlardır: Social Order, Reform, and Revolution, Londra: Macmillan 1972; Traditionalism, Conservatism, and British Political Culture, Londra: Allen and Unwin 1974; The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods, Oxford: Blackwell 1982; Nicos Poulantzas: Marxist Theory and Political Strategy, Londra: Macmillan 1985; Thatcherism: a Tale of Two Nations, Cambridge: Polity (Kevin Bonnett, Simon Bromley, ve Tom Ling); Karl Marx: Social and Political Thought, Londra: Routledge 1990; State Theory: Putting the Capitalist State in Its Place, Cambridge: Polity 1990, Strategic Choice and Path-Dependency in Post-Socialism: Institutional Dynamics in the Transformation Process, Aldershot: Edward Elgar (J. Hausner ve K. Nielsen), 1995. Crisis del Estado de Bienestar. Hacia una nueva teoria del Estado y sus consecuencias sociales (Crisis of the Welfare State. Towards a new theory of the state and its social Consequences, Bogatà: Siglo del Hombre, 1999. Globalisering og interaktiv Styring (Globalization and Interactive Governance) Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 1999 The Future of the Capitalist State, Cambridge: Polity (2002) STATE/SPACE: a Reader, Oxford: Blackwell (Neil Brenner, Martin Jones ve Gordon MacLeod) (2003).